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Thurgau at a glance


Key figures on the Canton of Thurgau

Districts ("Bezirke") 5
Political Municipalities 80
Area 991 km2
Table: Political Municipalities of the Canton of Thurgau

Explore — Open Data Kanton Thurgau (tg.ch)
Northernmost point In the middle of Rhein River ("Schaarenwiese", Schlatt)
Southernmost point Point of intersection of Canton Thurgau, St. Gallen and Zurich (Fischingen)
Easternmost point Confluence of Goldach River into Lake Constance (Horn)
Westernmost point Mountain Kohlfirst (Schlatt)
Highest point Hohgrat (Fischingen), 991 m.a.s.l.
Lowest point Effluent of Thur River out of the Canton (Neunforn), 370 m.a.s.l.
Maximum distance north-south 35 km
Maximum distance east-west 61 km
Total population 2023 292'951
Percentage of foreigners 2023 26,5 %
Population density 2023 3,4 inhabitants per hectare land area

Persons employed 2021 110'409
Percentage of persons employed by sector:  
     Agriculture 5,4 %
     Industry 34,0 %
     Services 60,6 %
Unemployed persons 2023 2'843
Unemployment rate 2023 1,9 %
Gross Domestic Product, 2021 (provisional) 19'274 million Swiss francs
Gross Domestic Product per capita, 2021 (provisional)  67'764 Swiss francs
Party strength Grand council election, 2024  
    SVP 32,5 %
    Die Mitte  15,2 %
    FDP 12,7 %
    SP 12,1  %
    GRÜNE 8,8 %
    GLP 6,4 %
    EVP 4,9 %
    EDU 4,7 %
    AUFTG 2,1 %
   Others 0,5 %
Party strength National Council election 2023  
   SVP 40,3 %
   Die Mitte  15,3 %
   FDP 10,7 %
   SP 10,2 %
   GRÜNE 8,5 %
   GLP 6,6 %
   EDU 2,8 %
   EVP 2,4 %
  Others 3,0 %

Thurgau in Zahlen 2024 (in German)

Thurgau in Focus - Statistical Yearbook 2023 (in German)

Sustainable development in the canton of Thurgau: sustainability indicators MoniThur (in German)


Sources: Geography, Distances: Amt für Geoinformation Kanton Thurgau; Population: Dienststelle für Statistik Kanton Thurgau, Bundesamt für Statistik, Arealstatistik; Economy: Bundesamt für Statistik, STATENT 2021 (Employed persons), SECO (unemployed persons), Bundesamt für Statistik (Gross Domestic Product); Politics: Staatskanzlei  Kanton Thurgau